Detection and immunobiological characterization of bovine leukemia virus in Russian Federation territory in dependence on geographikal variations
DOI: 10.5584/jiomics.v9i1.255
Petropavlovskiy M.V., Donnik I.M.,
Bezborodova N.A., Krivonogova A.S.
Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution
"Ural Federal Agrarian Scientific Research Centre,
Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences".
620142, Ekaterinburg, Belinskogo str. 112 a,
BLV is a cancerous lymphoproliferative disease of cattle, and widely spread all over the world, including the Russian Federation. The genetic characterization of BLV is an important task in scientific research in many countries of the world. According to the sequenced gene region – env BLV isolates allocated in different geographical locations of the world, up to 10 different genetic groups of the virus were identified and classified. However, at the moment there are no detailed data on the immunobiological characteristics of BLV genotypes from Russia.
Acknowledgments: The research was carried out at the expense of the Russian Science Foundation grant (project No. 17-76-10051).
We selected groups of infected animals (n = 54) in Tyumen region by ELISA method. Immunological evaluation of animals in all test groups is given. A nested-PCR study was performed, which resulted in a fragment of the env 444 bp gene in the studied samples. RFLP analysis of this fragment allowed to establish that in 94% of the samples there was a «Belgian type» of the leukemia virus, in 4% of samples – «Australian» and in 2% - a «mixed type». In this region of Russia, the «Belgian type» eventually prevailed. Samples were sent for sequencing. By phylogenetic evaluation of the BLV genome env region and the immunological evaluation of the infected animals, new data will be obtained that will allow updating information on the genetic groups of the bovine leukemia virus in the territory of the Russian Federation.
Key words: Bovine leukemia virus in Russian Federation, PCR, Phylogenetic analysis, several genetic groups.